Silver and Bronze Plans

Silver Plan                                                                               Bronze Plan

Deductible                                                        $2,000. Medical Deductible                               $5,000. Medical Deductible & Drugs

Preventive Care Co- Pay                                NO COST 1 per year                                            NO COST 1 per year

Primary Care Visit Co- Pay                             $45.00                                                                    $60.00 (LIMIT 3 Visits per year)

Specialty Care Visit Co-Pay                             $65.00                                                                    $70.00

Urgent Care Visit Co-Pay                                $60.00                                                                   $120.00

Generic Medication Co – Pay                         $25.00                                                                    $25.00

Lab Testing Co-Pay                                          $45.00                                                                    30%

X-Ray Co- Pay                                                    $65.00                                                                    30%

Emergency Room Co – Pay                             $250.00                                                                   $300.00

Hospital Care and Outpatient Surgery         $250.00                                                                  30%

Imaging (MRI,CR, PET Scans)                          $250.00                                                                   40%

Brand Medications                                           $250.00 Deductible then Co Pay                        $50-$75 AFTER DEDUCTIBLE

Preferred Brand Co-Pay                                  $50.00                                                                     $50.00

Maximum Out of Pocket for ONE                 $6,350.00                                                                $6,350.00

Maximum Out of Pocket for FAMILY            $12,700.00                                                              $12,700.00

This is the Federal Guide Lines for the Silver and Bronze Plans. Most Americans will pick the Bronze Plan based on premium cost. However, you need to know what your out of pocket is going to be.

If you take medications now, you will have to pay for them in full starting January 1st, because you will have a $5,000 deductible.

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Essential Benefits must Include services with in the following 10 Catagories

All of the Health Care Plans must contain each one of these parts:

1. Ambulatory Patient Services

2. Emergency Services

3. Hospitalization

4. Maternity and Newborn Care

5. Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder services, Behavioral Health Treatment

6. Prescription Drugs

7. Rehabilitates and Habitability Services and devices

8. Laboratory Services

9. Preventive and Wellness Services and Chronic Disease Management

10. Pediatric Services, including Oral and Vision Care


Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Plans will have each of these components in the plans. However, the coverage is going to depend on which level you qualify for and purchase.